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파이어알파카,메디방 정보

[파이어알파카 FireAlpaca] 버전 1.1.9 - 1.1.14 의 새 기능

by QBii 2015. 1. 16.

 - Clipping processing error has been fixed.
 - Dpi format will be used while reading/saving the bmp/png files.
 - Performance with "Save as" function has been improved. (Windows)

 - 1 bit layer has been added to the professional mode.
 - Templates for LINE Sticker has been added. *same size, double size, quadruple (New > paper size)
 - Layer selection shortcut error has been fixed.
 - Text layer error has been fixed.
 - "Save as" performance has been improved.

 - Eyedropper tool is available with the right button (you can revert to the default setting as well)


 - Postcard size template has been added.
 - Output error to PSD format (1-bit layer could not be saved) has been fixed.
 - An image file can be moved by drag&drop to layer list.
 - Anti-aliasing option at adding texts has been added.


 - Canvas display at modifying layer has been improved.
 - Fine-adjustment of text size is available with a button. (텍스트 사이즈를 + - 버튼으로 조정가능)




 - 5 more types of layer blending mode have been added.
 - Text layer can be converted to color layer now. (오!! 이 기능 정말 필요했던건데 해결되었네요. 텍스트레이어가 컬러레이어로 변경가능함.)
 - Lasso tool is available to select in tool bar separately. (랏소툴이 따로 툴바에 추가되었습니다.)



